Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blog Post 2

    Did you Know

  This video is very informative. The information that we are learning today will not be of any use to us in the very near future. What we are learning and plan on teaching in our classrooms will not be any use to us when we actually go into a classroom. For example the video states that the top ten jobs in 2010 did not even exist in 2004. Technology is a big part of our society today and will be in the future.
     I especially like that we are preparing our students today for jobs that don't exist yet." We are using technology that haven't been invented." How cool is that somewhere there is someone who is creating the next miniature computer or the next smaller and better cell phone. Hopefully we can put all this technology together and create more jobs for our society. Jobs are hard to find either you are not qualified enough or you over qualified.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

     This video expresses that things change. Computers have taken over in business and hospitals. People rely on technology to most of the work. When enter a hospitals there are automatic doors that swing open. A hundred years ago you had to push the doors open and walk in. They blood pressure machine that you hit the button and it takes your blood pressure automatically. In business they have computers instead of  typewriters. They have e-mail instead of someone to bring you mail.
     In schools technology has been up graded as well. Teachers would write on the chalk boards, now they have what you call a smart board. You hook it up to the computer or laptop in the classroom and you present your lesson on the smart board. They have computer labs in school where the children can go and learn how use the computer correctly. They have search engines on the internet so there is really no need for dictionaries in the classroom.  The improvements in technology is worth learning.

The Importance of Creativity

     Creativity comes from a mind that cannot keep still. My mind wonders constantly and takes me to place of solace.  Lets not keep our children from creativity. Let them express themselves. You might have a writer, dancer or an actress. Let them explore what might what leads them to what they want to do in life. People sometimes use their minds to escape from the real world. They put it on paper or go to the dance studio to work it out. Many children can't be still because they have all these ideas going through their heads and they want to do something about them so they keep moving around.
      I read a lot of books. I saw all the money I was spending buying novels and reading them I decided I would try and write one myself. I took all that creativity that was bottle up in me and put it on paper. So far I have written six chapters of my very own novel. Creativity comes from the imagine that is in our heads and needs to be expressed. I chose  to put my thoughts and dreams in a book. Hopefully one day it will be a best seller and that will the beginning of a new career for me.

Cecelia Gault ( Young Student in Finland)

      The schools should find a way to add different subjects into the schedules such as as dance and acting. They have taken music, dance and home make out of the schools and that helped the students that were creative and wanted to be a dancer or cook. They learned to sew and make clothes. They have taken that out of schools and some students that need that hands on experience are not getting it. And they begin to lose interest in school. There must be something that our students can do. Its called give them a creative start and see what happens
     Schools need better technology in order for them to keep up. Many children like to read and with that, they now can earn points for reading the most and passing the AR test that go along with the book. At the end of the year they have a party and celebrate with the students that have read the most books for the year. Prizes are rewarded and the look on the students face when they get their invitation to the party is very rewarding. They are so proud. The look is priceless. Make sure the students have what they need in the classroom to be successful.

Vicki Davis : Harness Your students' Digital Smarts

        The teacher say it all about all students don't learn with paper and pencil. You should have other technology for a student to learn. the computers in your classroom is another learning tool that helps the students. Teach them how to use the internet properly and show them how to use the search engines to find things that they are looking for. There are several games that you can use on the internet to teach your
students how to do math, science and history.
      There are the internet sites that can teach you how to write a report or term paper. Helpful sites will lead you to different sites for the same thing you are looking for. Most teenagers like to go on line and chat with other students and you can show them a safe way to do that. Keep in touch with your teachers and some teachers are e-mailing their students their assignments. They have to reply back so the teacher knows that they did receive the e-mail. In this day and age technology rocks.


  1. Hello Priscilla!

    While there are a lot of errors either grammatical or syntactical, I can see that you did put some effort into your post. I remember reading on your blog post #1 about your dream of being a published author, and I think that's a great dream.

    I personally love to read, and have been a voracious reader since I was old enough to hold books. It's certainly important to provide the necessary materials to students in order for them to be successful.

    In your next blog post, just be sure to go back and re-read what you've written and one of the best things for ensuring that what you write is well-written is to read it out loud. Sometimes we don't even see our own mistakes until we actually stumble over them while we're reading it out loud. Also, it helps to type the post in a Word doc first, and it can catch some of the smaller errors that we accidentally type.

    Nice post.

  2. Thanks Bailey I appreciate your comments.

  3. What's up Priscilla. It says I'm supposed to comment on Blog Post #2 so I hope I'm doing this correctly.

    Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading you're blog. It's very similar to my own. We agree on a lot of the same points on the future. I think one thing many of us are overlooking is that teaching is more than just the subject or the method in which we teach by. To me, teaching is being a role model and a friend to you're students. That helps prepare them for the future more than anything else in my opinion.

    There are some grammatical errors in your post as I know you are aware of. As Bailey mentioned, re-reading fixes this most of the time. I'm sure you can tell where an error was made so just make sure you proof read and I think the sky is the limit for you. I'm preaching to myself as well ha.

    Well written post!
